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Unusual Uses for Flowers in Home Decor

Posted on 24/02/2024

Flowers are a beautiful and traditional way to add life and colour to any room in the home. However, many people don't realize that flowers can also be used for far more than simple bouquets - there are plenty of unique uses for flowers that can really elevate your interior design. From curtains to wall art, this article will explore some of the most striking, unusual ways to use flowers in home decor.

Pressed Flowers

One of the oldest and simplest ways to incorporate flowers into your decor is by pressing them. Using flowers in this form allows you to keep the delicate details of their petals, stems, and leaves intact while still making them into a permanent part of a room's design. To make pressed flower decorations, simply dry fresh flowers between two sheets of absorbent material such as cardboard or blotting paper - weighting the top layer down may help with pressing - and leave them until they're dry and pressed flat. The resulting flat pieces of floral art can then be framed and hung on walls or even decoupaged onto furniture surfaces, creating an eye-catching feature piece that celebrates nature's beauty.

bouquets Flowers

Floral Curtains

Curtains often cover large wall areas and can be a great way to offer subtle pops of colour in a room. To create a unique look for windows or other openings around your home, consider creating handmade drapes from fabric printed with flower designs or from patterned fabrics with contrasting colours layered together. You could even take it one step further by cutting shapes out of the fabric or using ribbon or lace trimmings to make patterns within the curtains themselves. This method can provide a unique way to bring both colour and texture into a space without taking away from the intricate beauty of the floral motifs.

Wall Art

If you are looking for something more visually striking, why not try creating flower-inspired wall art? There are several options available here, from painting your own canvases with watercolour designs featuring vibrant florals to making mosaics out of cut paper versions of blossoms you find online. Photographers may also choose to showcase their work in the form of prints featuring close-up shots of colourful blooms displayed on shelves or along mantels. With lots of creative possibilities available here, there is sure to be something that appeals to every style preference when it comes to flower-based wall art.

Vases and Vessels

Vases and vessels make functional yet still attractive additions to any room, but why settle for dull glassware when you can customize pieces with items like faux flowers for an unexpected twist? Available in many styles - from artificial succulents and roses to dried blossoms - these eye-catching elements allow you to add colour without having to worry about them wilting over time. Consider positioning vases filled with these blooms around table centres or grouped together on shelves and mantelpieces for an instantly updated look.

Mirror Embellishment

Mirrors are an easy way to bring light into dark corners or open up a small space; however, adding bold decorative touches, such as found objects made up of dried flowers, can make this reflector component all the more interesting. Whether it is a frame covered in greenery or a centrepiece featuring vibrant petals, there are endless possibilities here, when it comes to repurposing mirrors as focal points in any room - perfect if you are looking for something modern yet still elegant.

bouquets Flowers

Floral Furnishings

Finally, why not update furniture items such as dressers with floral designs? While this can involve anything from applying decoupage techniques featuring botanical images onto wooden surfaces, it might just be enough for some people simply by choosing seating or other furniture pieces made from fabric bearing lively flower patterns. Adding cushions covered with florals is another straightforward solution that can help complete any garden-inspired look without too much effort on your part!


Whatever your style may be when it comes to home decor, incorporating flowers is undoubtedly one surefire way to turn monochromatic rooms into something special - even if it isn't necessarily traditional! From creating stunning wall artwork out of pressed petals to taking advantage of contemporary fabrics boasting floral motifs, there are dozens upon dozens of creative uses for these blooms in home decor - you just have to trust your own instincts and let your imagination run wild!

Dana Owens
Dana Owens

In the field of floristry, Dana is a skilled professional committed to bringing joy to flower lovers. Leveraging her many years of experience, she excels in crafting gorgeous bouquets and lovely flower displays.