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Flowers Matching People

Posted on 30/07/2015

There are countless sorts of flowers and all of them can possess countless shapes, sizes, colours and smells. If you want to include some variety in your choice of flowers you probably won‘t have any problems whatsoever. The trick is to pick the right flower for the right time and occasion or if there is no occasion, to pick a flower that would be the most suitable for a particular person. You might choose a flower according to the person‘s preferences of color, shape and favorite sort but if you are unaware of that person‘s likes you can always check the flower that matches the personality of that person. Of course, you could just go and purchase any flower so that you look presentable but in order to give it in a perfect way you need to have taken care of every detail. This article will teach you how to choose the right type of flower depending on a certain individual.

Naturally, the first thing you need to find out is what are the likes and the dislikes of the girl or the boy. For instance girls usually prefer a color that is bright and warm but there are a lot of exceptions. Girls like many different sorts of flowers. Some like roses while others prefer orquideas and so on. Then, it would be nice if you know a thing or two about that person‘s favorite activities and hobbies so that you know whether you should bring just one flower or a gigantic bucket full of them. And finally, always think about what you are trying to say to that person with the act of giving flowers. Is it just a present or is it something more? To assist yourself even further you might just open an Internet tab and search for one of the many online tests quizzes which can tell you which is the most suitable flower for your personality. You can do the same for the person you are going to give the flower to.

People who don‘t put on a mask in order to make themselves look better in front of others deserve a very natural and fresh flower. You should give them flowers with a lot of green leaves and green flowers and plants in general.

For the romance fans you have to come up with something tender in terms of look and odour. It has to be a warm color and a fragrance that is not too potent.

When it comes down to people with an explosive character you have to think big and you are obliged to deliver something truly special. Look for the most extravagant of flowers, with the wildest colors, the most unique shapes and aromas that are so strong they can spin your head.

With fashionable people who always follow the ongoing trends you have to be aware of the contemporary preferences and styles. If you choose to fill a bouquet with any kind of beautiful flowers and wrap them up neatly you will most certainly satisfy the person you are giving them to if he is the fashion-type.

All in all, if you follow the advises in this article or if you simply contact a florist you will manage to deliver the perfect flower gift to that one person.

Dana Owens
Dana Owens

In the field of floristry, Dana is a skilled professional committed to bringing joy to flower lovers. Leveraging her many years of experience, she excels in crafting gorgeous bouquets and lovely flower displays.